2 openings
Karandaaz Pakistan Karandaaz Pakistan

Location: - - - -

Industry: - Research Consultancy -

Rs - Salary.

Last date to apply: 2024-10-23

Date Posted: 2024-10-09

1. The purpose of this Request for Proposal (the “RFP”) is to solicit proposals from interested bidders for providing “Feasibility Study for E-Invoicing Aggregation in Pakistan”. The RFP is designed to assess whether bidders are able to provide the goods and services required ....


Location: - - - -

Industry: - Research Consultant -

Rs - Salary.

Last date to apply: 2024-10-19

Date Posted: 2024-09-19

1. Background Pakistan's democratic landscape is marked by its struggle with political stability, economic volatility and social disparities. Pakistan's governance landscape is complex and shaped by its unique historical, political and socio-cultural dimensions. The CIVICUS Monitor 2023 rates Pa ....

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