Search for Justice
Rules of Child Labor Law
Posted date 5th December, 2023 Last date to apply 12th December, 2023
Category Consultancy
Status Closed



Search for Justice is a Non-Government Organization working with a committed of protecting children from all forms of violence, abuse, exploitation and neglect. 


Pakistan ratified the International Labor Organization’s Convention No. 138 (known as minimum age convention) in 1973 while Pakistan had also ratified the ILO’s Convention No. 182 Worst Form of Child Labour Convention in 2001. 

The Government of the Punjab in 2016 enacted “The Punjab Restriction on employment of children act 2016” which clearly prohibits the employment of children under the age of 15 years in all establishments while the law also prohibits the employing adolescents for hazardous work in establishments.  

Despite having laws and regulations in place Punjab Child Labour Survey Report 2019- 2020 indicated 13.4% of children under the age of 14 are employed in Child Labour within them 8% of children involved are working in domestic work.

The development of the rules under the enacted Child Labour law is crucial for its effective implementation. These rules serve as a detailed framework that clarifies the law's intent, ensuring that its provisions are applied consistently and fairly. They provide clear guidelines for enforcement, helping authorities to identify and address violations effectively. Furthermore, well-defined rules enhance awareness among employers and guardians about the legal requirements and consequences of child labour, thereby promoting compliance. Lastly, these rules can address unique local and sector-specific challenges, making the law's application more relevant and impactful across different contexts.


Search for Justice is looking for a short-term consultant to draft the rules of “The Punjab Restriction on Employment of children Act 2016” in close collaboration with Labour & Human Resource Department Punjab. 

The consultant will also hold meetings with the identified relevant stakeholder for example (i.e. Labour and Human Resource Department) as part of the development process. 


  • Inception Meeting with SFJ and Labour & Human Resource Department

  • Hold meeting(s) with relevant stakeholder for KII/ FGDs to develop the Rules

  • Prepare a document of the rules 


  • Candidates should have a background in Law, with a specialization in labor-related laws.

  • The consultant must possess a minimum of 5-7 years of experience in developing and drafting legal documents, including rules pertaining to applicable laws.

  • Excellent report writing and analytical skills with strong knowledge of Child Rights, Child Protection and Child labour.


The selected candidate must complete the assignment within 15 days after signing of the agreement. 


  • The consultant will be responsible for arranging their own travel and accommodation and will bear all costs associated with the assignment.

  • Local staff members of Search for Justice will provide ground-level support to the consultant, helping connect with relevant stakeholders if required. 


Payment to the consultant will be disbursed in two stages:

  • 40% advance upon signing of the contract.

  • The remaining 60% following the submission and acceptance of the final document.


Search for Justice will deduct withholding tax from the total cost of the consultant as per the Government of Pakistan's rules. Normally, this is 11% for filers and 22% for non-filers.


In compliance with SFJ's Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Policy, the selected consultant will be required to provide a Police Verification Certificate and at least two references.


  • All phases of the consultant's work will be supervised by the Program Manager and/or the Executive Director of Search for Justice.

  • The consultant will hold preliminary meetings with SFJ to agree on the design and methodology for conducting this assignment.

  • The consultant will keep the SFJ team informed about the progress of the assignment and will incorporate feedback provided by the team.


  • Consultants are required to submit their profiles, including a list and contact details (email and phone numbers) of clients they have worked with in the past.

  • Consultants are required to submit a brief proposal (not exceeding 3-4 pages) along with a budget for this assignment.

  • The consultant is required to provide a tentative work plan covering the entire assignment, including a deadline for submitting the final report.

Proposals can be sent at [email protected] by or before 12th December 2023.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

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