Farmers Development Organization
Hiring of Consultant / Firm for Mass Media Campaign
Posted date 30th November, 2023 Last date to apply 11th December, 2023
Country Pakistan Locations Lodhran
Category Consultancy
Type Contractual Position 1
Experience 5 years
Status Closed

Hiring of Consultant/Firm for

Mass Media Campaign of the Project Improving Handwashing Behaviors in 200 Schools

Background and Introduction:

Farmers Development Organization (FDO) was established in 1998 as a not for profit, non-governmental public interest organization and is “a company setup under section 42 of companies’ Act 2017 (Formerly Companies ordinance 1984)".

Currently, the Farmers Development Organization is one of the largest organizations of South Punjab in terms of outreach, staff, and development activities. Farmers Development Organization strengthens the disadvantaged and vulnerable segments of society for the realization of their rights by means of collective action through social mobilization, capacity building, and facilitating the provision of basic amenities, livelihood support, and evidence-based advocacy. Farmers Development Organization is implementing various projects to improve socio-economic, political, cultural, and technological aspects of society.

The Farmers Development Organization is implementing the project "Improving Handwashing Behaviors in 200 Schools of Districts Lodhran & Kasur. The projects focus on the behavior change practices of young children regarding WASH for their improved health.

Under this project, we are seeking to hire the services of a professional animator for making animated video (Motion Graphic Video) on the topic of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Schools. This video purpose will be to provide awareness on unhygienic behaviors towards use of safe drinking water, access to decent sanitation and improved hygiene behaviors.


The primary objective of this task is to develop animated video on the topic of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene and disseminate it at different platforms to raise awareness among children and the society for a change in behavior towards hygiene practices. In order to achieve this objective, the following activities will be carried out under this assignment.

  • Development of an animated video (Motion Graphic Video) having messages on improving handwashing behaviors.
  • Dissemination of video on social media, local cable networks, etc.


For further details, please see the attachments. 

Apply By:

Proposal Submission

Both proposals (technical and financial) should be submitted in sealed envelopes and must be submitted till the dead line of  11h December 2023.


The Manager

Human Resource Unit 

Farmers Development Organization

House #417, Lang Street, New Shalimar Colony, Multan

 +92 (061) 2118087

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