DAI-LRMA Project
STTA-Development of Monitoring Application with web based Business Intelligence Dashboard
Posted date 16th March, 2023 Last date to apply 26th March, 2023
Country Pakistan Locations Peshawar
Category Consultancy
Type Consultant Position 1
Status Closed

Program Overview:

The Land Registration in Merged Areas (LRMA) Activity is a United States Agency for International Development (USAID) funded Technical Assistance that will support the establishment of a land registration system in the seven sub-districts of the Merged Areas (MAs). The Activity will provide technical assistance to the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s efforts under the Settlement, Digitization of Land Record in Merged Areas Project and Board of Revenue to improve the accuracy and accessibility of land records; effectuate digital land transactions; allow the use of land as collateral  to boost livelihoods and economy in MAs.


Settlement and Digitization of Land Records (SDLR) in Merged Areas is an Annual Development Project initiated by the Board of Revenue in seven sub-divisions of the newly MAs. The project is supported in kind by the USAID through its Land Registration in Merged Areas (LRMA) Activity. Since the last two years the Project Director SDLR in MAs Project collects data from field offices and reviews progress in review meetings. However, there is no systematic mechanism to keep track of targets assigned to staff and measure performance accordingly.   Therefore, there is a genuine need to have a holistic system not only to monitor land settlement (registration) staff output but to provide a monitoring mechanism for supervision of project activities and course corrections.   The BoR has also shown keen interest in the STTA (comprising of two scope of works) and has taken a policy decision to use the Monitoring Application by upgrading the Land Settlement Module inclusive of a web based Intelligent Business and Application Programming Interface (API) as an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) tool in all its ongoing land settlement operations.


A) Upgrading of existing Land Settlement Module to a Monitoring Application

To upgrade the existing Land Settlement Module being used to capture land registration data for Land Records Management Information System (LRMIS) into a Monitoring Application to have real time project/operation technical staff and land registration progress to ensure timely completion of quality deliverables.

  • To review and analyze the structure and design (inclusive of source codes) of existing Land Settlement Module and Key Performance Indicators listed in the attachment; recommend upgraded features for transformation into a Monitoring Application, making optimum use of data in the existing Land Settlement Module and LRMIS to avoid duplicity.
  • To present the findings and proposed recommendations to LRMA, SDLR in MAs Project and BoR for approval.
  • To provide a design document based on approved features for the proposed M&E software.
  • The upgraded system shall have provision for user profiles, team profiles, reporting and supervision mechanism assigning targets and measuring performance accordingly.
  • The system shall help in making informed decision about the future estimated completion of activities as well as lagging activities running behind schedule and requiring special attention.
  • The proposed application shall have the admin panel and user management along with forms for data entry of KPIs progress.
  • The proposed application shall have provision for assigning individual activity targets to each team- members and track progress against the assigned target.
  • To develop and present prototype for the client’s review, feedback on fortnight basis and incorporate the changes communicated in writing.
  • To integrate the M&E Application with a centralized dashboard for reporting progress in the form of charts, graphs and other widgets.
  • To arrange a session on user acceptance testing, incorporate modifications and submit report.
  • To develop training manuals and conduct end user trainings.
  • On completion of user acceptance testing (UAT), submit the entire document, source code to the client.



Estimated LOE

  1. Review Report of existing Settlement Module

03 days

        2. Report of new/upgraded features of M&E Application


        3.  Review KPIs to measure Performance Report

04 days

        4.  Design Document of the M&E Module

05 days

        5.  Prototype Review and Feedback Session

15 days

        6. Full Scale Development of M&E Module

30 days

        7. User Acceptance Testing Report.

05 days

        8. Submission of Source Code and other Documents

01 day

        9. Submission of Training Manual and material

03 days


70  days


B.      Business Intelligence (BI) Dashboard and Application Performance Interface (API):

The purpose is to design and develop a web based BI with API interactive Dashboard for targeted users having separate user interfaces i.e. Administrator level: to manage the overall application platform along with adding products onto the platform; Management level: having specific dashboard screen and indicator-based reports; and User level for settlement office to access to specific forms and reports.


1.  To develop interactive and business intelligence dashboard to report progress based on individuals, teams, settlement offices, KPIs.

2. To integrate the dashboard connectivity with M&E Application and LRMIS database through API for accessing the field data reported entered in the application.

3. The dashboard shall depict activities with lag and running beyond schedule that require special attention.

4. The dashboard shall have different layouts for top management, administrator, supervisor and field offices.

5. Develop a prototype of the dashboard with offline data for review, feedback and approval.

6. To integrate the BI dashboard through secure API with Monitoring Application in real time.

7. To provide provision in BI dashboard to filter data based on date, staff member and activity/ KFI.

8. To conduct user acceptance testing of the dashboard and submit report

9. Submit complete source code of BI dashboard and API to LRMA.

10. To development of user manual and conduct end user training of BI dashboard.



Estimated LOE

1. Design of Dashboard based on KPIs

05 days

2. Dashboard prototype with offline data

05 days

3. Development of Full-Scale Dashboard

15 days

4. User Acceptance Testing Report.

03 days

5. Submission of Source Code and other Documents

01 day

6. Submission of Training Manual and material

03 days


32 days


Work Location and reporting requirements

The position is based in Peshawar. The consultant will work in close collaboration with the BoR/SDLR in MAs project staff assigned to development of M&E Application and experts from LRMA Activity. 

All reports will be shared with LRMA. Final version of reports shall be delivered in electronic form and hard copies complying with USAID Branding and Marking Policy. Comments, provided from the Client will be discussed in meetings, if required. Required report amendments will be incorporated not later than 2 working days of receiving the comments.


  • Masters, BSc. Honours or similar degree in Information Technology or Computer Science;
  • Experience in software development and coding in various languages (C#, .NET, Java etc.);
  • Excellent knowledge of software and application design and architecture;
  • Excellent development experience in Dashboard development in Power BI or Tableau;
  • Familiarity with HTML/CSS, JavaScript and UI/UX design;
  • Understanding of software quality assurance principles;
  • A technical mindset with great attention to detail;
  • Experience working on a similar scope preferred.
  • Proficient English and excellent technical writing skills;
  • Ability to write in technical English clear and correctly;


  1. Requires you to add current salary information.
  2. Requires you to add cover letter.
  3. Resume attachment is required.
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