Accelerate Prosperity
Consulting Firm for Women Techpreneurs
Posted date 30th January, 2023 Last date to apply 15th February, 2023
Country Pakistan Locations Gilgit & Baltistan
Category Consultancy
Type Full Time Position 1
Status Closed

                                                                     Terms of Reference
                                                       Consulting Firm for Women Techpreneurs

Accelerate Prosperity (AP)
Accelerate Prosperity inspires and facilitates rising entrepreneurs in emerging regions to grow new markets, create sustainable employment, and strengthen communities.
AP is a global initiative of the AKDN in Central and South Asia, which follows guidance from the Aga Khan Foundation to develop more formal structures to catalyse enterprises in emerging marketing and areas where economic opportunities remain insufficient. Through patient capital and tailored business advisory to start-ups and small and growing businesses, AP complements broader employment-related programs of AKF and draws significantly on technical expertise from the Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development (AKFED), Industrial Promotion Services (IPS), and coordinates efforts with the AKDN’s financial institutions, the University of Central Asia and many other national partners.
Purpose of Services Required
AP supports innovative business ideas and early-stage businesses as part of its incubation programs. It aims to enable entrepreneurs to develop effective business models, efficient sales and marketing strategies, practical and realistic financial models through detailed analysis and design concise and effective pitch decks.
The purpose of this service provision is to conduct in-person advisory sessions on four key modules.
1) Business Model Canvas
2) Sales and Marketing Plans
3) Financial Modelling
4) Pitch Making
Module 1: Business Modelling
Upon the completion of module 1, it is expected that the cohort entrepreneurs are enabled to develop the following.
▪ A Value Proposition Canvas for their business venture
▪ An effective business model for a new venture - creating, delivering, and capturing value for a business.
▪ A comprehensive yet concise Information Memorandum
Key Learning Outcome
The module would explain the principles, perspectives, and techniques behind designing and executing effective business models.
Key learning outcomes include:
✓ Business Mindset and design thinking
✓ Business model canvas: a tool for describing, analysing and designing a business model
✓ Building blocks of Business Model Canvas
✓ Business model patterns: unbundling business models
✓ Techniques: for designing an effective business model
✓ Strategy: Re-strategizing through business model lens
✓ Process: to design innovative business models, tying together all the concepts, techniques, and tools.
Module 2: Sales and Marketing
Upon the completion of module 2, it is expected that the cohort entrepreneurs are enabled to develop the following:
▪ Develop a comprehensive yet concise marketing and sales strategy and implementation plan for their businesses
Key Learning Outcomes
Upon completing this training, cohort entrepreneurs will be better able to:
✓ Identifying their customers and their needs.
✓ Analyse competitive landscape.
✓ Appropriate mix of 4Ps; Product, Price, Place and Promotion
✓ Develop their business Pricing and positioning strategy.
✓ Develop their business marketing and sales strategy.
✓ Modern marketing tools and techniques
✓ Outline business marketing pitch
Module 3: Financial Modelling
Upon the completion of module 3, it is expected that the cohort entrepreneurs are enabled to develop the following:
▪ Develop a comprehensive yet concise Financial Model of the business, primarily for the shareholders and potential investors.
Key Learning Outcomes
Upon completing this training, cohort entrepreneurs will be better able to:
✓ Name and understand key considerations when developing a financial model.
✓ Apply a structured process to develop a financial model.
✓ Coordinate with various departments/ functions of the business, shareholders and resources in the process of developing a financial model.
✓ Translate business model of the firm into sound numbers and projections of the company.
Module 4: Pitch Making
Upon the completion of module 4, it is expected that the cohort entrepreneurs are enabled to do the following:
▪ Develop a comprehensive yet concise Pitch Deck of the business
▪ Deliver a professional Business Pitch
Key Learning Outcomes
The aim of this module is to expose the aspiring and existing entrepreneurs to the art of pitch making with the following learning outcomes.
✓ Understanding the core purpose and importance of an appropriate business pitch
✓ Identify the key elements a successful business pitch
✓ Identify the target audiences for business pitch
✓ Mastering the content & the verbal/ non-verbal outlook
✓ Going through the process of pitch development and delivery
▪ Mini lecture (20%), Exercise/ Practice (40%), Group Mentoring (30%)
▪ The trainer would be given the main content based on the required modules for the program upon which they will build, and design customised content and adopt a case-study based approach to engage cohort entrepreneurs actively in the learning process.
▪ The trainer is required to get the content reviewed by team AP before delivery.
▪ The trainer is required to share 4-days training agenda with AP team at least a week prior to the training delivery.
▪ During the training, the trainer acts as facilitator as well as mentor, using interactive learning methods to help participants share their experiences and learn through participation in activities such as group discussions, case studies, and exercises/practice, and mentorship sessions.
▪ The trainer is expected to deliver the content in a way that all participants can apply the knowledge gained during the training and develop business models, marketing plans, financial models, and pitch decks for their own business ventures.
Nature of Service Provision
▪ Develop customised content based on AP provided content
▪ Conducting in-person trainings
▪ Designing and printing of supporting material required during the training (e.g., BMC charts, sticky notes, stationary, workbooks, group activity material etc.)
Scope of Engagement
▪ There will be a total of 2 advisory trainings. One will be in Gilgit city while the other training will be held in Baltistan.
▪ Each advisory training will be 4 days long. (Approx. 5-6 hours a day)
▪ Gilgit
▪ Baltistan
Delivery Method
Expected Number of Business Ideas
▪ Gilgit: 30
▪ Baltistan: 20
Key Capacities Required
The required capacities include:
▪ Trainers of the consulting firm should have a significant background in the above-mentioned core modules; Business Modelling, Marketing and Sales, Financial Modelling, and Pitch Making.
Results Based Payment
▪ 50% of the total value of services will be given upon sharing training material for feedback by AP.
▪ 50% of the total value of services will be given upon the delivery of training and conclusion.
Eligibility Requirements
▪ Consulting firms must be SECP registered.
▪ Consulting firms having relevant expert trainers on board are encouraged to apply.
▪ The trainers of the consulting firm must have 5-7 years of training and advisory experience in entrepreneurship and start-ups space in the given subject matter.
Evaluation Criteria
▪ Relevant experience: 20 marks (Attach profiles of trainers)
▪ Profile Completeness: 30 marks (Detailed company profile)
▪ Financial bid: 50 marks
Application Requirements
Please submit the following to us to apply:
▪ Detailed profiles/CVs mentioning relevant experience and expertise regarding the “Key Capacities Required” for the activity as mentioned above. This includes profiles of trainers the firm is expected to engage.
▪ Financial bid, gross figures inclusive of all types of costs and all applicable taxes as per the Law.
February 15, 2023.

Apply By:

Mode of Submission
Please email the firm’s portfolio and related work samples at:
Email: [email protected]  
Please send your financial bid and detailed profiles in a sealed envelope via courier at the following postal address:
Manager Finance and Administration
Accelerate Prosperity office, Professional Development Center North (PDCN), Konodas Gilgit.

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