Accelerate Prosperity
Consulting Firm for National Tourism Incubator
Posted date 22nd March, 2024 Last date to apply 20th April, 2024
Category Consultancy
Type Consultant Position 1
Status Closed

Accelerate Prosperity (AP)

Accelerate Prosperity inspires and facilitates rising entrepreneurs in emerging regions to grow new markets, create sustainable employment, and strengthen communities.

AP is a global initiative of the AKDN in Central and South Asia, which follows guidance from the Aga Khan Foundation to develop more formal structures to catalyse enterprises in emerging marketing and areas where economic opportunities remain insufficient. Through patient capital and tailored business advisory to start-ups and small and growing businesses, AP complements broader employment-related programs of AKF and draws significantly on technical expertise from the Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development (AKFED), Industrial Promotion Services (IPS), and coordinates efforts with the AKDN’s financial institutions, the University of Central Asia and many other national partners.

Purpose of Services Required

AP supports innovative business ideas and early-stage businesses as part of its incubation programs. It aims to enable entrepreneurs to develop effective business models, efficient sales and marketing strategies, practical and realistic financial models through detailed analysis and design concise and effective pitch decks.  

The purpose of this service provision is to conduct online advisory sessions on 3 key modules. Upon the completion of the training, 2 hybrid one-on-one coaching sessions along with experiential learning opportunities to be given to each selected startups.  

Business Training Sessions

1)    Market Sizing

2)    Marketing Plans, and sales

3)    Financial Modelling

Module 1: Market Sizing

Before module 1, the cohort is expected to have a refined business model in hand.

Upon completion of the module 1, it is expected that the cohort entrepreneurs are able to develop the following.

  • A clear market size based on authentic data and identify their TAM, SAM, and SOM.

Key Learning Outcomes

Upon completing this training, cohort entrepreneurs will be better able to:

  •   Identify their customers and their needs.
  •   Analyse competitive landscape.
  •   Conduct market sizing
  •   Going to the market for practical analysis of market.

Module 2: Sales and Marketing

Upon completion of module 2, it is expected that the cohort entrepreneurs are enabled to develop the following:

  • Develop a comprehensive yet concise marketing and sales strategy and implementation plan for their businesses tailored to their respective sectors; Adventure, Experiences, and Infrastructure.

Key Learning Outcomes

  •   Appropriate mix of 4Ps; Product, Price, Place and Promotion
  •   Develop their business pricing and positioning strategy.
  •   Develop their business marketing and sales strategy.
  •   Modern marketing tools and techniques
  •   Outline business marketing pitch


Module 3: Financial Modelling

Upon the completion of module 2, it is expected that the cohort entrepreneurs are enabled to develop the following:

  • Develop a comprehensive yet concise Financial Model of the business, primarily for the shareholders and potential investors.

Key Learning Outcomes

Upon completing this training, cohort entrepreneurs will be better able to:

  •  Name and understand key considerations when developing a financial model.
  • Identifying key revenue streams and cost structures of each startup
  •  Apply a structured process to develop a financial model.
  •  Coordinate with various departments/ functions of the business, shareholders, and resources in the process of developing a financial model.
  • Translate business model of the firm into sound numbers and projections of the company.

One- On-One Advisory Services For Up To 8 Businesses

The selected business will be expected to gain improved knowledge/ understanding about business launch, operations, and growth strategies. This will include at least 2 one-on-one sessions (3 hours long) with a business coach.

  • Legal advisory and Go-market strategy
  • Entrepreneurs will be well equipped with the laws and regulations set for companies operation in tourism sector
  • Entrepreneurs will be guided to get certain licenses from gov entities considering the safety and sensitivities of end users.
  • Formulate actionable steps to kickstart the business in real-world scenarios and achieve scale.
  • Entrepreneurs will be equipped to gather relevant data on market trends, customer preferences, and competition to inform strategic decisions.
  • Entrepreneurs will be sent out to market and get their product/service validated by end users through surveys, beta testing, initial contracts etc.
  • Entrepreneurs will revisit their market sizing after coming back from market research practice, and identify opportunities to expand their Total Addressable Market (TAM).
  • Improved Business and Financial Models
    1. Entrepreneurs will critically analyze their existing business model to identify strengths and weaknesses and refine their value proposition, revenue streams, cost structure, and key partnerships for improved business viability.
    2. Entrepreneurs will collaborate with their coach to integrate financial projections into their overall business strategy.
    3. They will learn to align financial goals with operational plans, ensuring financial sustainability and growth.
  • Experiential Learning
  1. Entrepreneurs having MVPs ready will be sent out to the market for beta testing and surveys.
  2. Industry exposure visits
  3. Conducting market surveys to strengthen the built assumptions
  4. Business contracts upon selling their first product or service
  5. Meeting relevant people in the ecosystem


  • Mini lecture (20%), Exercise/ Practice (45%), Group Mentoring (35%)
  • The trainer would be given the main content based on the required modules for the program upon which they will build, and design customised content and adopt a case-study based approach to engage cohort entrepreneurs actively in the learning process.
  • The trainer is required to get the content reviewed by team AP before delivery.
  • The trainer is required to share 4-days training agenda with AP team at least a week prior to the training delivery.
  • During the training, the trainer will have their own facilitators, using interactive learning methods to help participants share their experiences and learn through participation in activities such as group discussions, case studies, and exercises/practice, and mentorship sessions.
  • The trainer is expected to deliver the content in a way that all participants can apply the knowledge gained during the training and develop business models, marketing plans, financial models, and pitch decks for their own business ventures.
  • For one-on-one advisory, an advisor/expert from the consulting firm would be connected to the selected startup by the AP team through an email and/or an orientation call.
  • The advisor/ expert would conduct at least 2 personalised one-on-one sessions with the startups selected by AP. Experiential learning part will be considered while allocating time for these sessions.


Nature of Service Provision

  • Develop customised content based on AP provided content
  • Conducting online training sessions
  • Conducting hybrid one-on-one sessions with 8-10 startups
  • Monitoring and tracking of the practical work given to the selected startups
  • Designing supporting material required during the training

Scope of Engagement

  • The business trainings will be conducted online
  • Each advisory training will be 4 days long. (Approx. 5-6 hours a day)
  • One-on-one coaching will be hybrid depending on the entrepreneurs availability at the nearest facility AP will allocate across Pakistan.
  • Each session will be 3 hours long for 8 selected startups and each startup will have 2 such sessions.
  • Sending out entrepreneurs to market for market assessment and industry exposure.

Location and expected Timeline

  • Online Business Training: May 15 – June 4, 2024 (tentative)
  • Online or in person sessions (as per feasibility) One-on-one: June 7 – June 25, 2024
  • For in-person one-on-one sessions, AP will have facilities available in the following cities; Gilgit, Hunza, Chitral, Islamabad, and Karachi.


  • Business Advisory
    • Pitch Deck that includes a clear business model, marketing plan, market size, and key revenue and cost variables with 3 years forecast
  • Advisory Sessions Documentation:
    • A detailed record of advisory sessions for each recommended business, including key discussion points, action items, and decisions.
    • 2 one-on-one advisory sessions per startup. Each session will long for 3 hours.
    • Revised business and financial models and pitch decks for each business.
  • Experiential learning
    • Field reports of entrepreneurs after market research; e.g. Survey Reports, contracts, sales videos etc
    • These visits of entrepreneurs will be sponsored and managed by the consulting firm


Delivery Method

Online training

Hybrid one-on-one sessions

Expected Number of Startups

  • Business Training: 20-22 startups/SGBs
  • One-on-one session: 8-10 startups/SGBs

Key Capacities Required

The required capacities include:

  • Trainers and experts of the consulting firm should have a significant background in the above-mentioned core modules specific to the tourism sector; Business Modelling, Marketing and Sales, and Financial Modelling.
  • At least 2-3 expert trainers along with a facilitator (for training) must be provided by the consulting firm.

Results Based Payment

  • 50% of the total value of services will be given upon the delivery of training and conclusion.
  • 50% of the total value of services will be given upon the delivery of one-on-one sessions and industry exposure reports of each selected startup

Eligibility Requirements

  • Consulting firms must be SECP registered.
  • Consulting firms having relevant expert trainers on board are encouraged to apply.
  • The trainers of the consulting firm must have 5-7 years of training and advisory experience in entrepreneurship and start-ups space in the given subject matter.

Evaluation Criteria

  • Relevant experience: 20 marks (Attach profiles of trainers)
  • Profile Completeness: 30 marks (Detailed company profile)
  • Financial bid: 50 marks

Application Requirements

Please submit the following to us to apply:

  • Detailed profiles/CVs mentioning relevant experience and expertise regarding the “Key Capacities Required” for the activity as mentioned above. This includes profiles of trainers the firm is expected to engage.
  • Financial bid, gross figures inclusive of all types of costs and all applicable taxes as per the Law.




April 20, 2024.

Apply By:

Mode of Submission

Please email the firm’s portfolio, Trainers’ profiles and related work samples at:

Email: [email protected]

Please send your financial bid and detailed profiles in a sealed envelope via courier at the following postal address:

Manager Finance and Administration

Accelerate Prosperity office, Professional Development Center North (PDCN), Konodas Gilgit.

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