Right To Play
Terms of Reference (ToR): Market Research and Analysis for Youth Employment and Skills Development Program Islamabad and Karachi
Posted date 17th April, 2024 Last date to apply 28th April, 2024
Country Pakistan Locations Islamabad, Karachi
Category Consultancy
Type Consultant Position 1
Status Closed

Organizational Introduction:

Right To Play International is a distinguished global non-governmental organization dedicated to leveraging the profound impact of play to safeguard, educate, and empower children and youth confronting adversity. With a mission to support over one million children weekly across 20 nations, Right To Play fosters essential life skills and cultivates brighter futures while catalyzing enduring social transformation. Registered with the Government of Pakistan, our organization has successfully executed numerous initiatives spanning more than 20 districts in KP, Sindh, and Islamabad since its inception in 2008.

Scope of Work

Right To Play International is seeking quotations from potential consulting firms or individual consultants to conduct comprehensive market research and analysis. The objective is to gain insights into the job markets and employer needs for young women aged 18 – 29 years in Karachi and Islamabad. This includes assessing the skills required for employment and self-employment, mapping available skills development institutes, identifying financial institutions offering support for young women entrepreneurs, and evaluating recruiting firms specializing in placing young women in decent job positions.

Furthermore, consultants will be tasked with analyzing the specific requirements and challenges faced by young women in accessing employment opportunities and entrepreneurship ventures. This involves identifying barriers to entry, such as lack of access to education or training programs and proposing targeted solutions to address these obstacles. Additionally, consultants will evaluate the effectiveness of existing programs and initiatives aimed at supporting young women in the job market and recommend strategies for improvement. Through this in-depth analysis, the selected consultant(s) will play a pivotal role in shaping Right To Play International's initiatives to empower young women in Pakistan."

Key Responsibilities of Consultant/Consulting Firm


  1. Collaborate with stakeholders to identify specific industries and job sectors to focus on: Engage with various stakeholders including government bodies, industry associations, and community organizations to determine the most relevant industries and job sectors for the target demographic. This involves conducting thorough research and analysis to understand market trends and demands.
  2. Conduct screening of employees to show which organizations are willing to work with girls: Conduct extensive outreach and screening processes with potential employers to assess their willingness to hire young women. This may involve direct communication, surveys, or interviews to gauge their attitudes and readiness to engage in initiatives focused on gender inclusion.
  3. Develop survey questionnaires and interview protocols to gather relevant data: Design comprehensive survey questionnaires and interview protocols tailored to capture essential information from employers. These tools should be carefully crafted to elicit detailed insights into their hiring practices, skill requirements, and potential barriers to employment for young women.
  4. Conduct in-depth interviews and surveys with employers to understand their needs and requirements: Engage in face-to-face interviews, phone surveys, or online questionnaires with employers to dig deeper into their specific needs and requirements regarding the recruitment and retention of young women. These interactions should aim to uncover nuanced insights and perspectives from a diverse range of stakeholders.
  5. Compile and analyze data to identify skills gaps and training needs: Collate and analyze the data collected from interviews, surveys, and other research methods to identify prevailing skills gaps and training needs within the identified industries. This analysis should highlight areas where targeted interventions can effectively address skill shortages and enhance employment prospects for young women.
  6. Prepare comprehensive reports with actionable recommendations for training programs: Produce the findings from the data analysis into comprehensive reports that provide actionable recommendations for the development and implementation of training programs. These reports should outline specific strategies, resources, and timelines for addressing identified skills gaps and facilitating the entry of young women into the workforce.
  7. Submit a comprehensive report with raw data: Present the findings and recommendations in a comprehensive report format, accompanied by raw data and detailed methodologies used in the research process. Transparency and accessibility of data are essential for fostering accountability and facilitating informed decision-making by relevant stakeholders.
  8. Identify, map, and help create linkages with partners that offer subsidized courses and those offer job placement opportunities: Identify and map existing training providers, educational institutions, and organizations offering subsidized courses and job placement services for young women. Facilitate partnerships and collaborations between these entities to enhance access to training and employment opportunities for the target demographic.
  9. Identify not-for-profit organizations currently running similar programs for economic and financial empowerment of young women: Conduct a thorough scan of the landscape to identify existing not-for-profit organizations and initiatives focused on the economic and financial empowerment of young women. This involves assessing their programmatic approaches, geographic reach, and potential areas for collaboration or knowledge-sharing to maximize impact and avoid duplication of efforts.

Major Deliverables:

  • Comprehensive market research report detailing job market dynamics and employer needs for young women aged 18 – 29 in Karachi and Islamabad.
  • Skills gap analysis report identifying specific areas of skill requirement and training needs for young women.
  • Mapping report outlining available public and private institutes offering skills development courses, internships, and apprenticeships for young women.
  • List of financial institutions offering business incubation support and grants for young women entrepreneurs.
  • Directory of recruiting firms or consultants specializing in placing young women in decent job positions.

Qualifications and Requirements:

  • CVs/Profiles of individual consultants/consulting firms having bachelor’s degree in a relevant field, providing a solid foundation in business, economics, or social sciences to understand market dynamics effectively.
  • Proven experience in market research and analysis, demonstrating the ability to collect, analyze, and interpret data to derive meaningful insights.
  • Familiarity with statistical analysis software (e.g., SPSS, SAS) and survey tools (e.g., Qualtrics, SurveyMonkey) to efficiently handle and analyze large datasets.
  • Strong report writing and presentation skills, enabling clear and concise communication of research findings and recommendations to stakeholders.
  • Experience working with marginalized populations, particularly young women, showcasing sensitivity to diversity and inclusion issues.
  • Past similar nature of assignment reports in conducting market research projects with comparable objectives and target demographics, ensuring familiarity with relevant methodologies and challenges.
  • Expertise in SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises), understanding their role in the local economy and their specific hiring needs.
  • Research skills, including the ability to design research methodologies, gather relevant data, and analyze findings rigorously, ensuring the production of robust and actionable insights.
  • Ability to travel to the field for data collection, stakeholders’ meetings and market surveys.
  • Fluent in local languages to communicate fluently with research stakeholders.

Payment Schedule


Percentage of Amount

Mode of payment

Upon Signing of Agreement and submission of Inception Report

30% of the total amount

Bank cheque

Submission of Research data along with MOVs

40% of the total amount

Bank cheque

Submission of Final Reports

30% of the total amount

Bank cheque

Apply By:

Submission of Proposals: Interested individuals or firms are requested to submit their technical and Financial proposals inclusive of all applicable government taxes, updated resume or profile and quotation to [email protected] by April 24, 2024.

Confidentiality: All information provided by the organization and shared during the course of the assignment shall be treated as confidential and used solely for the purpose of fulfilling the requirements.


  1. Resume attachment is required.
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