Centre for Peace and Development Initiatives(CPDI)
HumAhang Consultancy- Study on Linkages between Floods and Violent Extremism
Posted date 26th February, 2024 Last date to apply 5th March, 2024
Country Pakistan Locations islamabad
Category Consultancy
Type Consultant Position 1
Experience 8 years
Status Closed

Consultancy:  Request for proposal for Study on Linkages between Floods and Violent Extremism

Posted date

February 15, 2024

Last date to apply

March 05, 2024





Type of Services

Consultancy (contractual)





Tentative commencement date of services

March 01, 2024

Level of Efforts

60-65 days

Tentative duration

March 01, 2024 to
May 05, 2024.

Proposals / applications to be submitted at: [email protected]

About CPDI

The Centre for Peace and Development Initiatives (CPDI) is an independent, non-partisan and a not-for-profit civil society organization working on issues of peace and development in Pakistan. It is registered under Section 42 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984 (XLVII of 1984). It seeks to inform and influence public policies and civil society initiatives through research - based advocacy and capacity building to promote citizenship, build peace, improve governance, and achieve inclusive and sustainable development. Areas of special sectoral focus include promoting peace and tolerance, police reforms, right to information, strong local governments, climate change and mitigation, transparency in governance, democratic values, rule of law, accountable governance in the country and public health initiatives.


About the Assignment

1.          Background


HumAhang program aims to strengthen citizen engagement in governance to advance peace, social cohesion and effective disaster management by responding directly to project objectives: “effectiveness of citizen-led interventions strengthened”, and “government responsiveness to citizens’ concerns improved” for more peaceful and resilient communities in the target districts of South Punjab and North Sindh.

HumAhang program led by CPDI seeks a qualified consultant to design framework/ methodology and then conduct a study on the linkages between disasters and violent extremism. The consultant will review relevant literature to examine if similar patterns are observed in the target districts, especially in relation to the floods and how consequent poverty, displacement, and grievances contribute to or are impacted by extremist narratives or dynamics of citizen-state relations. The analysis will focus on five selected districts in South Punjab and North Sindh, while keeping in view the overall national and regional context and relevant political, social, economic, cultural and security related trends.

2.          Scope of the Research Study

The study will consider the fact that South Punjab and North Sindh regions in Pakistan host higher percentage of poor people, who continue to suffer and are held back due to multiple factors including periodic floods, feudal control, mis-governance, law and order challenges, and conservative social attitudes which may increase their susceptibility to violent extremism. The consultant will study the narratives around causes and impacts of floods in target districts; recording any notable case studies or research findings highlighting the role of disasters in the recruitment and radicalization processes of individuals disposed to extremist ideologies. The study will also document evidence of common trends observed in different disaster-prone regions regarding the influence of those events on the growth of extremist ideologies or activities and lastly the study will, recommend some preventive measures or strategies that can be implemented to mitigate the risk of violent extremism during or after a natural disaster like floods, recommending measures to mitigate acts of violent extremism within the context of repeated flooding and environmental shocks; and lastly, it will provide an effective mechanism to measure decrease in linkages between floods and violent extremism in target regions.

The consultant will work closely with the program team to ensure quality and the alignment of the research and analysis with the program goal and objectives.

The framework and design for the study will assess and analyze following questions:


  • How has the occurrence of natural disasters like floods been found to impact the rise of violent extremist activities in affected regions, focusing various segments of society in the target districts, analyzing the specific factors and/or circumstances that contribute to a potential linkage between disasters and the emergence of violent extremism, investigating the impact of floods on vulnerable communities and their susceptibility to radicalization
  • How does disruption in public/government and community/CSOs infrastructure and services during disasters contribute to the vulnerability of communities, potentially leading to the exploitation by extremist groups
  • Explain how the role and actions of non-state actors involved in relief and rehabilitation work impact local perceptions and narratives of people, especially of victims, about their relationship with the government and state institutions.
  • What are the socio-economic, political, cultural and psychological factors that link disasters like floods and violent extremism
  • Recommend measures to mitigate risks, acts of violent extremism; improved resilience and effective monitoring strategies within the context of repeated flooding and environmental shocks
    • Develop an inception report including a framework, methodology and work plan for the conduct of study.
    • Conduct review of relevant literature on the linkages between disasters and violent extremism.
    • Conduct field work including 25-30 key informant interviews (KIIs) and 15 focus group discussions (3 FGDs in 5 target districts: 5 each for men and women only and 5 mixed groups) to gather insights from relevant stakeholders like members of local communities, government officials, and experts to understand the socio-economic, political, and psychological factors that contribute to violent extremism within the context of recurring disasters like floods.
    • Analyze the data collected to identify the potential linkages between vulnerability to violent extremism and floods, focusing on the specific socio-economic, political, and psychological factors.
    • Develop a draft report on the linkages between floods and violent extremism for the review and feedback of CPDI, USAID and other stakeholders including relevant government officers/ authorities.
    • Finalize the report on the linkages between floods and violent extremism after addressing the feedback.
    • Make presentations to CPDI, USAID and other stakeholders, including relevant government officers/ legislators, to inform their decision making.

3.          Key Tasks

  • Develop an inception report including a framework, methodology and work plan for the conduct of study.
  • Conduct review of relevant literature on the linkages between disasters and violent extremism.
  • Conduct field work including 25-30 key informant interviews (KIIs) and 15 focus group discussions (3 FGDs in 5 target districts: 5 each for men and women only and 5 mixed groups) to gather insights from relevant stakeholders like members of local communities, government officials, and experts to understand the socio-economic, political, and psychological factors that contribute to violent extremism within the context of recurring disasters like floods.
  • Analyze the data collected to identify the potential linkages between vulnerability to violent extremism and floods, focusing on the specific socio-economic, political, and psychological factors.
  • Develop a draft report on the linkages between floods and violent extremism for the review and feedback of CPDI, USAID and other stakeholders including relevant government officers/ authorities.
  • Finalize the report on the linkages between floods and violent extremism after addressing the feedback.
  • Make presentations to CPDI, USAID and other stakeholders, including relevant government officers/ legislators, to inform their decision making.

4.          Proposed Methodology

The consultant is expected to develop a detailed methodology and plan for the analysis/ assessment, which will be finalized in consultation with CPDI. A mixed-methods approach may be employed, combining desk research/ literature review, consultations with key stakeholders (e.g., government officials, community leaders, members of vulnerable communities, civil society organizations, unemployed youth, university students, members of religious groups), and undertaking site visits to gather contextual information and observe the local dynamics. Methodology may elaborate on how the collected data will be analyzed. The consultant will be expected to address the ethical guidelines that will be followed throughout the research process, including informed consent, confidentiality, and data protection, while ensuring full compliance with the national and local laws.

Key Deliverables and the Payment Schedule: The deliverables of this assignment and the payment schedule is presented in the table below:



Percentage payment

Inception report, including the framework and methodology for the analysis/ assessment, detailed work plan, and any recommendation for refining the scope of work (i.e., with one week of award)

March 15, 2024


Literature Review report

March 30, 2024


Draft report on linkages between floods and violent extremism for review and feedback by CPDI and other stakeholders

April 20, 2024


Final report on linkages between floods and violent extremism that addresses the feedback provided by CPDI and other stakeholders

April 30, 2024


Presentation of findings to HumAhang partners, USAID and other stakeholders like relevant government officers

May 03,2024



Duration and Budget: The consultant will be engaged for 60-65 days to complete and deliver the report on the linkages between disasters like floods and violent extremism. The assignment should be completed within two months of its award. The budget for this assignment will be finalized through negotiation.

5.          Required Qualification and Experience

The consultant should meet the following qualification and experience requirement:

  • At least a master’s degree in a relevant social science discipline.
  • At least 08 years of proven relevant experience of conducting researches, studies, assessments and analyses, preferably about political economy and conflict sensitivity.
  • Good understanding of socio-economic and cultural situation of local context of target districts.
  • Excellent analytical, writing, and presentation skills.
  • Ability to communicate in local language.

Apply By:

Interested candidates send a 5000 word technical proposal (70% weightage), explaining the approach and methodology, one sample of relevant work, CVs/Profile highlighting the relevant experience and qualification as well as the financial proposal (30% weightage for evaluation) mentioning the name of assignment in subject at:[email protected]. The financial proposal should be inclusive of applicable taxes and work-related logistical costs (i.e., travel/ lodging, incidentals, etc.), as required for assignment related activities and meetings at CPDI offices or with other stakeholders in Islamabad, target districts in North Sindh and South Punjab. No expense claims will be entertained/paid by CPDI.

*Late submissions will not be entertained.

