Technical and Systems development
- Assist M&E Manager by contributing to M&E system design and implementation for the ECW project.
- Contribute to an effective roll-out of M&E collection and reporting systems to all staff and partners through training, site visits, manuals, and other technical support as needed.
- Prepare monthly and quarterly area MEAL report along with case studies produced in the reporting period.
- Assist M&E Manager in developing country ALRs, and annual report.
- Contribute to planning and delivery of the MILE workshop.
- Contribute to compilation and information management of the project(s)/program, developing and enforcing protocols for storage and use of information.
Meal Implementation and Management
- Implement the MEAL policies and procedures as described in the VSO standard guidelines and make sure that the tools are followed as applicable.
- Contribute to an effective roll-out of M&E collection and reporting systems to all staff and partners through training, site visits, manuals, and other technical support as needed.
- Develop the ToRs and mission plans and carry out assessments, monitoring and evaluations (baselines, mid-terms, endlines) as reflected in the ToR and mission plan.
- Develop and oversee the implementation of appropriate data collection and analysis instruments, methodologies (e.g. survey questionnaires, focus group discussions, key-informant interviews) and data/information dissemination/utilization plans.
- Closely supervise data collection activities and ensure that data collection teams are organized and resourced as needed, and that they deliver as per field mission plans and according to data quality standards.
- Maintain electronic and/or paper-based MIS systems for tracking and reporting all quantitative data and information.
- Analyze MEAL data and produce reports, factsheets with useful statistical analysis and presentation (charts, tables, histograms, box plots) as necessary in a timely manner.
- Measure and report on qualitative and quantitative input, process, output, outcome, impact, objective, and goal-level performance indicators.
- Provide MEAL related capacity building and awareness to implementing partners and other institutions supported by VSO as appropriate.
- Represent VSO in different forums on AME related issues when required.
- Ensure that MEAL findings are reflected, and their recommendations are incorporated in future concept notes, proposals and implementation plans.
- Contribute to organizing and facilitating learning events in order to capture best practices and lessons learnt when a project closes or as required.
- Support project implementation and improvement by providing timely information around project successes to be scaled up as well as challenges to allow ‘course correction’ throughout life of the program.
Other Duties –Fulfil other appropriate level responsibilities as defined by line manager from time to time;
Abide by VSO core values and other VSO policies regarding; Safeguarding, Gender Sensitivity, Child Protection, Data Protection Act, Confidentiality and Security.
- Master’s in development studies, social sciences or related discipline.
- At least 3 to 5 years’ experience of monitoring & evaluation, coordinating, planning and reporting systems.
- Knowledge and experience of M&E project/ program management standards, tools and techniques applicable to capacity building and advocacy programming.
- Experience of working in Pakistan.
- Ability to actively support a project team to manage competing work priorities. Time management skills. Strong organization skills.
- Ability to handle highly confidential information with tact, discretion and sensitivity.
- Self-motivated, ability to use own initiative - flexibility.
- Strong interpersonal skills and confidence in working in international settings.
- Able to travel across project implementation sites and spend time away from work- base location and home.
Commitment to VSO’s mission, values, People First principles and core approaches (Social Inclusion and Gender, Social Accountability, and Resilience).
- Practical experience within a volunteering INGO context and volunteering for development approach.
- Experience of using SPSS, database packages and excel for data storage and analysis