Farmers Development Organization
Consultancy on PSC Approaches and UCDP Development
Posted date 25th January, 2023 Last date to apply 7th February, 2023
Country Pakistan Locations Multan
Category Accounting/Auditing
Type Consultant Position 1
Experience 5 years
Status Closed

  1. 1.      Background of the Consultancy & Assignment scope of work:

The Poverty Scorecard for Pakistan has been developed by the World Bank as a tool to measure change in poverty in an effective way and to support the management of development program that focus on alleviating poverty. It is also a useful tool for social investors that need to measure results according to the triple bottom line objectives i.e. financial, social, and environmental results. By ranking targeted households’ relative poverty, it helps managers/CSOs s’ members target the poor, track changes in poverty, and manage depth of outreach.

Poverty Score Card (PSC) is a tool for poverty targeting, mainly developed to give practitioners a simple, effective, and low-cost tool for identifying the poor for targeted program interventions. It is also useful for improving transparency and accountability in terms of poverty targeting and tracking the graduation process. The training of CSOs members on PSC will enable them to develop an understanding, conducting of the PSC survey, and how to extract results by data entry into the software. The PRA techniques in targeted program intervention, for example, transit walk, FGDs, Problem tree, social mapping, Key Informant Interviews (KII) etc. provides precisions and guidelines on how to populate the PSC instrument with information.

Furthermore, CSOs members will also be able to develop union council development plan with the technical guidance and support of consultant/firm through the implementation of PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal) techniques in targeted project areas in 10 union councils of Multan.

The selected consultant firm/individual will develop a training plan ensuring effective delivery of these trainings to CSO members over PSC (Poverty Score Card) Approaches, PRA techniques, and union council development plans as required. Moreover this assignment will contribute for the engagement of local authorities, elected representatives and other stakeholders for prioritize the UC level issues and also development of 05 years union council plans in targeted 10 UCs.


  1. 2.      Purpose of the Consultancy / Services:

The main purpose of the consultancy is to sensitize and capacitate targeted 20 CSOs on PSC (Poverty scorecard) approaches, data collection methods, and enhanced analytical skills to develop poverty scorecard approaches. The offered consultancy will further enable CSOs members to develop Union Council Development Plans as required through conducting method, guidelines and PRA techniques in targeted program intervention.


The objectives of consultancy will be accomplished through;

2.1   Develop training module and manual over PSC (Poverty Score Card )approaches, PRA techniques, data collection tools/formats and developed UCDP format

2.2   Training on Poverty Score Card Approaches, PRA techniques, practical orientation on PSC data entry and development of UCDP for Civil Society Organizations 200 CSOs members

2.3   Development of union council development plan as required in targeted 10 UCs in District Multan.


  1. 3.       Proposed/Required Assignment Implementation Methodology:


  • The Farmer Development Organization (FDO), Project Team will organize 10 training batches, with 20 participants from each of the 10 UCs that are being targeted.
  • The consultant/firm will provide CSO members 01-day formal orientation on poverty scorecard methodology and standard format, and will assign them an action plan for a field assignment involving the adoption of PSC methodologies as an example.
  • The day two first half will be the entry of PSC data into the scorecard/software and measuring/interpreting results, improving their knowledge and skills
  • Consultant will provide a 1.5-day orientation on PRA tools, techniques, and data collection methods for the development of the Union Council Development Plan.
  • The consultant will design/develop a situation analysis format for the development of the UCDP and guide the trainees on the data collection
  • The consultant/firm will give CSOs members technical assistance for the data collection for situation analysis and allocate them a time of five days to each group for data collection
  • The consultant/ firm will provide technical assistance to each of the training groups/ CSO in their respective offices after 05 days of populating the situation analysis to develop the Union Council Development Plan
  • Each of the 20 CSOs of the project will develop their UCDPs and then the UCDPs of the 2 CSOs of the same UC will be merged to develop one comprehensive/consolidated UCDP of each UC.
  • The Consultant/ firm will provide 10 final UCDPs in printable form to the FDO


  1. 4.       Deliverables:


During this assignment, the Individual consultant/firm will undertake at least the following deliverables:

4.1       Consultant individual/firm will develop & submit a working methodology (draft).

4.2       Will develop participants module/hand book in Urdu and trainer manual in English  for ‘’1.5 days training on Poverty Score Card Approaches & 1.5 Days training on PRA techniques’’

4.3       Will develop & submit a detailed work plan & tools to conduct total 10 trainings with 200 CSOs members

4.4       Will develop and submit 20 field execution plans for the UCDP development covering 05 field activity days

4.5       Will share the profiles of human resources to be engaged in the assignment

4.6       Consultant individual/firm will provide technical support to CSOs members for the preparation of 20  CSOs’ UCDP

4.7       Consultant individual / firm will develop and submit 20 CSOs’ UCDPs in project targeted 10 UCs by providing technical assistance CSOs members

4.8       Consultant individual/firm will develop consolidated 10 UCDPs as per targeted 10 Union Council in final printable format after the feedback and approval process from FDO.

4.9       Will develop & submit all 10 trainings reports’ MOVs (quality pictures & Attendance sheets, pre/post-tests etc.) and similarly required MOVs for 20 CSOs developed UCDPs and further consolidate 10 UCDPs from targeted 10 union councils.

Will develop & submit draft consolidate report covering the all assignments and will incorporate the feedback if any and will finalize the report accordingly.


For detailed ToRs, kindly see the attachments. 

Apply By:

Interested Individual Consultant/Firm are invited to submit technical and financial proposals through sealed envelopes marked as ToRs/Tender Ref # FDO /PAK-1108/IFT#26 at the address:



The Human Resource Coordinator,

Farmers Development Organization,

House # 417, Lang Street, New Shalimar colony Multan, Punjab- Pakistan


Proposals should reach no later than by the 07 February, 2023.   

 In case of any query related to this assignment, please contact at: [email protected]

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