Pathfinder International- BHFA Project
RFP - Production of Animated Videos
Posted date 6th February, 2024 Last date to apply 26th February, 2024
Category Proposal/Quotations
Status Closed

Request for Proposal (RFP)

Issued on:                                February 6, 2024

Solicitation Number:               PI-BID/BHFA//FEB-2024/064

For:                                             Production of Animated Videos

Quotes Deadline:                    February 26, 2024 (4:30 PM)

Pathfinder Background

Pathfinder is driven by the conviction that all people, regardless of where they live, have the right to decide whether and when to have children, to exist free from fear and stigma, and to lead the lives they choose.

Since 1957, we have partnered with local governments, communities, and health systems to remove barriers to critical sexual and reproductive health services. Together, we expand access to contraception, promote healthy pregnancies, save women’s lives, and stop the spread of new HIV infections, wherever the need is most urgent.

Our work ensures millions of women, men, and young people are able to choose their own paths forward.

Project Background

The USAID-funded Building Healthy Families Activity (BHFA) is a five-year program. Pathfinder International is leading the implementation of the Project. The project is being implemented in Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Overall goal is to improve the population’s health outcomes through strengthening the primary care systems so that uptake and continuation of voluntary Family Planning (FP)/Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health (RMNCH) services are encouraged.

BHFA aims to accomplish three results:

1)      Increase the capacity of the government and private health institutions to lead resilient, responsive FP/MNCH systems.

2)      Improve utilization of quality FP/RMNCH products and services.

3)      Men and youth are empowered to communicate about, demand, and use essential health products, practices, and services.

To promote key behaviors related to family planning, maternal and child health, nutrition, and infant and young child feeding (IYCF) and gender equality in the provinces of Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), animated videos will be developed. These videos will be designed to effectively address the existing barriers and encourage the adoption of priority behaviors.

The objective of this assignment is to promote the adoption of priority behaviors related to family planning, maternal and child health, nutrition, and infant and young child feeding (IYCF) and gender equality in the provinces of Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP). This will be achieved through the development of animated videos that specifically address existing barriers hindering the implementation of these priority behaviors.

The videos created through this assignment will serve as a powerful tool for social & behavior change communication. The videos aim to effectively convey messages that encourage specific priority behaviors related to family planning, maternal and child health, nutrition, and infant and young child feeding (IYCF).

These videos will be utilized as resources to reach a wide audience, including communities, families, and individuals. By leveraging animated content, the intention is to make the information engaging, accessible, and easily understandable. The ultimate goal is to contribute to positive behavioral change by addressing barriers and fostering a greater understanding of the importance of adopting recommended health practices.

Scope of Work (SOW)

The firm will produce a total of 10 short, animated videos (max. 120 seconds) including illustrations and animations. The videos will include the fictional characters and objects. 5 videos will be produced in Sindhi language, with English and Urdu subtitles. 5 videos will be produced in Pashto language with Urdu and English subtitles.

The firm will be responsible for the following tasks:

1)      Initial Meetings with SBCC Manager-BHFA to conceptualize the videos and understand the requirement.

2)      Developing a script and story board of each video including the description of characters, objects, and movements in coordination with BHFA.

3)      Developing 3D illustrations of characters.

4)      3D Animation of illustrations as a video. The videos must be produced in full HD 1080p format (max. 120 seconds) each video.

5)      Post-feedback editing of videos for incorporating feedback from BHFA.

6)      Professional voice over Sindhi and Pashto language, narration, translation for Urdu and English sub-titles for all videos.

7)      Post editing and incorporation of feedback from BHFA.

8)      Submission of final videos to BHFA


The Firm will provide following:

1)      The firm will share the minutes of all the meetings, these minutes will be approved by BHFA team.

2)      Firm will submit the approved version of the scripts and storyboard of all videos in Ms. Word and will document the approvals received from BHFA team.

3)      Source files of illustrations and animations will be provided to BHFA.

4)      Translated Subtitles in Ms. Word will be provided to BHFA.

5)      Final HD videos (1080p) in MP4 format with source files with be provided to BHFA.

6)      Final Report.

Tentative Time frame/duration:

The assignment will be performed during February to April 2024.


If you have any questions/inquiries, please e-mail [email protected] no later than close of business February 13, 2024 (3:00 PM) with a subject line Inquiries-PI-BID/BHFA//FEB-2024/064:Production of Animated Videos. The solicitation number indicated above must be included in the subject line. Responses will be posted to all known offerors.

Proposal Deadline

All written responses to this RFP must be received by Pathfinder no later than [4:30 PM for electronic submission] (Pakistan time) on February 26, 2024. The solicitation number indicated above must be included in the subject line. Hardcopy submissions will not be accepted. A maximum of two files are permissible: one for technical documentation and one for financial details. The combined size of the email attachments should not exceed 20 MB.

Please email the quote and other information directly to: [email protected] with a subject line PI-BID/BHFA//FEB-2024/064: Production of Animated Videos.


If at any time prior to award Pathfinder deems there to be a need for a significant modification to the terms and conditions of this RFP, Pathfinder will issue such a modification as a written RFP amendment to all competing offerors.  No oral statement of any person shall in any manner be deemed to modify or otherwise affect any RFP term or condition, and no offeror shall rely on any such statement. Such amendments are the exclusive method for this purpose.

Resulting Award

Single contract: As a result of this solicitation, Pathfinder anticipates engaging a single consultant firm. Pathfinder reserves the right to split the SOW and make multiple awards.

Any resulting contract will be subject to the terms and conditions contained in Annex B. Part B of this annex will only apply to USG-funded assignments.

The selected company for this assignment will abstain from engaging in the open bidding process for the Bill of Quantities (BOQ), thereby excluding itself from the competition associated with this task.

Joint ventures are ineligible to partake in the procedure.

Payment Terms

Fixed Price: Pathfinder anticipates entering into a fixed-price contract with the selected contractor.

Proposal Guidelines and Instructions

Offerors will be required to submit two proposals, electronically, one a technical proposal and the other a cost proposal. All proposals must be signed and valid for a minimum of sixty (30) days.

Your proposal should provide basic information about your Company/Individual and relevant service offerings. It should have a section addressing each of the following areas:

(a)    Company Profile

(b)   Past Performance (Proof of at least 5 similar assignments contracts/PO from last 3 years in producing animated videos)

(c)    Past Performance (Proof of at least 5 similar assignments contracts/PO from last 3 years in graphics designing)

(d)   Technical Approach (offeror will be evaluated based on their responsiveness to the Scope of Work)

(e)   Curriculum Vitae (CV) of the Proposed Team

(f)     References

(g)    Relationship disclosure and mitigation plan

Responses should include the following information:

  1. Preliminary examination Requirements

  • Firm must be registered as a Sales Tax Registered Firm (PASS/FAIL)

  • At least 4 Reference with complete details including, Organization name contact person name, designation, Phone number, email address, office address, nature of work/assignment performed, contract/Po value. (PASS/FAIL)

  • Bid submitted on time. (PASS/FAIL)

Firms that meet the Pass/Fail criteria will undergo further evaluation in consideration of their technical proposals.

  1. Technical Proposal

a.      Company/Individual Profile and Past Performance – 25 points

  • Provide a general description of the offeror in terms of experience of conducting similar nature work.

  • Briefly summarize the offeror’s qualifications and experience of the activities described in the scope of work.

  • Provide a detailed track record of previous similar work undertaken as per evaluation criteria.

b.      Technical Approach – 10 points

  • The firm must provide a detailed work plan encompassing specific tasks and corresponding timelines, aligned with the project requirements. The plan should consider the project's duration until April 2024.

c.       Key Personnel – 35 points

Submission of resumes for all resources (Director, production manager, script writer, animator, and graphics designer) intended for the task is compulsory, adhering to the evaluation criteria. Additionally, relevant certification courses completed by the resources should be provided.

d.      Production House Location – 10 points

  • The firm is required to possess a physical presence (Production facility) in Islamabad to coordinate with BHFA team in Islamabad for this assignment. Substantiating evidence must be provided, and subsequently, the team will conduct physical verification to firm that will be meeting minimum scoring criteria of 50 out of 80 points in Technical Proposal.

e.      Financial Proposal – 20 points

    1. Financial Proposal

Offerors pricing should be based on the following:

Fixed Price:  For Services performed during the Term, Firm will be paid a fixed fee after the completion of task with a report accepted and approved by BHFA Team.

The financial proposal is mandated to incorporate a detailed breakdown of costs, encompassing all expenses such as travel costs and lodging, among others. Sales Tax with % is required. Please use below table to submit your financial response.


PI-BID/BHFA//FEB-2024/064: Production of Animated Videos.

Issue Date

February 6, 2024

Closing Date

February 26, 2024

Price Validity

_______________ Please provide this information






Line Item

Description and Specifications


Items and Specifications Offered

Unit Price


Sub Total




Sales Tax (%)

Total Price



Production of 10 Animated Videos












Other Costs (Describe: ______________________):








The project will not provide any reimbursement or additional costs beyond those quoted in the financial proposal.

Sales Tax (ST) Compliance: The project is eligible for a sales tax exemption. ST amount will be withheld, an exemption letter will be provided within 90 days upon receipt of the invoice. If the exemption letter is not provided within this timeframe, the withheld ST amount will be paid upon completion of the USAID compliance timeline of 90 days.

Evaluation Criteria

In evaluating the proposals, Pathfinder International will seek the best value for money rather than the lowest priced proposal. Pathfinder will use a two-stage selection procedure:

  • the first stage will evaluate the Technical Proposal.

  • the second stage will evaluate the Financial Proposal for proposals that pass the Technical Proposal evaluation and will score minimum of 50 points out of maximum of 80 points.

Specifically, the selection committee will evaluate each proposal upon the following criteria:



Consultant Firm Profile  

-          Execution of projects similar in animated video production within the last 3 years. No credit will be assigned for works falling below the specified thresholds. (A minimum of 5 successfully completed contracts/PO from the past 3 years is required)

A total of 10 marks will be awarded if the contractor has successfully executed a minimum of five projects of producing animated videos within the past three years (2 marks per project, multiplied by 5).

-          Execution of projects in graphics designing within the last 3 years. No credit will be assigned for works falling below the specified thresholds. (A minimum of 5 successfully completed contracts/PO from the past 3 years is required)

A total of 10 marks will be awarded if the contractor has successfully executed a minimum of five projects of graphics designing within the past three years (2 marks per project, multiplied by 5).

-          A registered firm must have minimum 5 years’ experience of communication and PR related work for the government or development sector. This will be checked through company registration certificates.

Maximum 5 marks.

Technical Approach

-          Develop an extensive work plan that includes detailed timelines for all necessary tasks, taking into account the duration of the project up to April 2024.

Maximum 10 marks  

Key Personal

-          Consultancy Firm's current staffing strength and the qualifications pertinent to the project's needs. (3 marks will be awarded for each in-house qualified staff member available within the firm to undertake the project. Maximum of 15 marks)

-          Assess the alignment between the skills and experience of the firm's staff and the project requirements, such as production personnel, director, animator, script writer, and graphics designers. (4 marks for 1 director, 4 marks for 1 production personnel, 4 marks for 1 animator, 4 marks for 1 script writer, 4 marks for 1 graphics designer. Maximum of 20 marks)


Maximum 35 marks

Physical Office Presence

-          Consultant firms are required to maintain a physical office (Production facility) in Islamabad for close coordination with BHFA team. The team will conduct physical verification to firm that will be meeting minimum scoring criteria of 50 out of 80 points in Technical Proposal.

A total of 10 marks will be allocated for the presence of an office in any of the specified locations.

Companies scoring the minimum of 50 out 80 points will be evaluated on financial proposals.

Financial Proposal

Maximum 20 Points

Total Weight


Pathfinder is not bound to accept the lowest or any proposal and reserves the right to accept any proposal in whole or in part and to reject any or all proposals.

Pathfinder shall not be legally bound by any award notice issued for this RFP until a contract is duly signed and executed with the winning offeror.

The evaluator will tally all the individual scores for each section and calculate the average score. The total average scores, will be added to obtain the total points achieved by the individual supplier. If the total number points meets or exceeds the threshold established in the evaluation methodology, the suppliers cost proposal will be eligible for consideration.

The score for the cost proposal will be calculated in the following manner:

Cost proposal score = 100 x Lowest cost/ cost of the proposal under consideration. The lowest cost proposal will receive the full 100 points.

The total score will be calculated as follows:

Total Score= Technical proposal score of the proposal under consideration multiplied by 80 plus (+) Cost proposal score of the proposal under consideration multiplied by 20.

Relationship disclosure

-           Describe any current or past relationships your organization may have with Pathfinder, and if it is a potential conflict of interest.  If there is a potential conflict of interest, please explain how this risk will be mitigated.

-           Describe any personal or familial relationships any employee of the Contractor has with any employee of Pathfinder. If there is a relationship, please explain how any conflict-of-interest risk will be mitigated.

Disclosure does not automatically disqualify offeror.


Pathfinder reserves the right to cancel this solicitation at any point and is under no obligation to issue a subcontract as a result of this solicitation.

Pathfinder will not reimburse any expenses related to the preparation of any proposal related materials or delivery.


IF APPLICABLE As a part of the RFP process, Pathfinder International may be providing confidential information. Consequently, suppliers must complete a Confidentiality/ Non-Disclosure Agreement. See Annex B


Any resulting contract will be subject to the terms and conditions contained in the annex. See Annex A

Thank you

Procurement Team

Pathfinder International

Building Healthy Families Activity|Pathfinder International

Apply By:

Please email the quote and other information directly to: [email protected] with a subject line PI-BID/BHFA//FEB-2024/064: Production of Animated Videos.
