Developments in Literacy
IT Coordinator
Posted date 12th February, 2025 Last date to apply 19th February, 2025
Country Pakistan Locations Islamabad
Category Computer and Information Technology
Salary 40000
Type Full Time Position 1
Experience 3 years Maximum Age 35 years
Status Closed

Position Summary:

Under the supervision of Project Manager, Project IT Coordinator will ensure correct implementation of IT Program activities. The position will be responsible for school computer labs, computer lab activities including, regular computer classes, PBL activities, basic computer trainings and will provide and technical, teaching and learning support to the school computer teachers.

  1. Major Responsibilities:


Monthly monitoring visits (15%)

  • At-least one visit to each school (schools with computer labs)
  • Ensure schools have developed and following proper time table for computer classes
  • Classroom observation (all grades)
  • Provide technical as well as teaching and learning assistance to the computer teachers (during visits and online)
  • Ensure efficient utilization of provided IT resources
  • Monitoring of IT VTC sessions
  • Arrange photographs of students in computer lab and IT Program activities


Assist execution of PBL activities (15%)

  • Provide assistance to the teachers during planning and implementation stages of PBL activities (iEARN, British Council or any other small or large scale PBL activity)
  • Ensure timely provision of material required by schools for any IT driven PBL activity
  • Collect reports and photographs taken during PBL activities


Computer Lab establishment (10%)

  • Facilitate establishment of new computer labs
  • Networking and configuration of computers
  • Coordination with local vendors
  • ·          

Computer Lab maintenance (20%)

  • Troubleshooting and maintenance of minor technical issues
  • Ensure proper repairing of faulty devices through vendors
  • Collection of monthly computer lab status reports from all computer labs


Trainings (20%)

  • Arrange Induction training for new computer teachers
  • Arrange basic computer trainings for teachers
  • Coordination with teachers to identify training needs
  • Attend and replicate IT and PBL trainings provided by DIL or other partner organizations
  • Provide on demand IT assistance to all DIL teachers and head teachers


Reporting (5%)

  • Submit monthly computer lab maintenance reports (all computer labs) to DIL Islamabad office.
  • Quarterly progress report on school visits, school IT activities, IT trainings, challenges and observations using provided template.
  • Quarterly reports on Computer Vocational Training Centers


Project Support (15%)

  • Provide Admin & logistic support to the UKAID project.
  • Keeping and maintaining the records of supplies, bills/ invoices etc related to admin/ finance of the UK aid project.


  1. 2.       Experience and Skills

Education and Experience:


Bachelor's degree in computer sciences (preferable) with minimum 3 years of relevant experience in classroom teaching, training and computer lab handling/maintenance.


Technical Skills:


  • OS installation and basic software / hardware troubleshooting
  • Understanding of Project Based learning
  • Ability to use online communication tools
  • Excellent MS-office skills
  • Classroom management
  • School monitoring
  • Training Delivery
  • Good communication and report writing skills in English


Behavioral Skills:


Outcome orientated with aptitude to work with multiple teams

sociable, flexible, adept at solving problems and decisive

In adherence to:

Rights based approach

Gender equality



DIL Core Values and Commitments;

  • §Transformation: We transform lives and empower communities by pursuing innovative ideas and approaches that improve students' learning outcomes and soft skills
  • Excellence: We are committed to achieving the highest level of impact through excellence in service delivery and educational products
  • Collaboration: We take a democratic and participatory approach in all aspects of our work
  • Equity: We exercise fairness, compassion and respect when dealing with each other and those around us
  • Integrity: We strive to set high moral and ethical standards for ourselves and to gain the trust of others
  • Transparency: We exercise strong internal controls and transparency and are fully accountable to our donors and the people we serve
  • Flexibility: We drive and embrace change and are willing to try out different, pioneering approaches

 DIL is committed to ensuring that DIL staff is suitable to work with children and have the knowledge s/he needs to uphold and abide by the DIL’s Child Protection Policy.


  1. Requires you to upload profile photo.
  2. Requires you to add current salary information.
  3. Requires you to add cover letter.
  4. Max age limit is 35 on 2025-02-19 to apply for this job.
  5. Requires a minimum of 3 years of experience
  6. Resume attachment is required.
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