Human Appeal
Consultant Services for Enterprise Development Trainings-SIVB
Posted date 23rd December, 2024 Last date to apply 31st December, 2024
Country Pakistan Locations Bagh, Mansehra, Rawalpindi, Faislabad, RahimyarKhan,Nawabshah, Kamber Shahdadkot
Category Development Sector
Type Consultancy Position 1
Status Closed


About Human Appeal:

Human Appeal (HA) is a UK-based not-for-profit, nongovernmental relief and development sector organization, working in 28 countries around the globe. In collaboration with government departments, civil society, and non-governmental organizations, Human Appeal has been working in Pakistan since

2005 & is registered with MOI under revised legislation for INGOs. We work across the globe to strengthen humanity's fight against poverty, social injustice and natural disasters. Through the provision of immediate relief and the establishment of self-sustaining development programs, we aim to invest in real, effective solutions.

Human Appeal believes that establishing stable healthcare, education and livelihood programmes paves the way for empowered, self-serving communities. We also recognize that the provision of food, medical aid and emergency shelter in times of humanitarian crisis is essential for the immediate preservation of life. As such, we value the importance of a multi-dimensional aid approach and dedicate ourselves to achieving a balance between emergency relief and long-term development.



The project is an 'Inclusive Community-Based SME Development initiative,' with the overall aim of supporting zakat-eligible individuals and persons with disabilities for economic empowerment. The project has the following main outcome:

Outcome: The livelihood of 250 persons with disabilities, orphans, and their families from low-income areas of Pakistan has improved.



The consultant will build the capacity of 8 groups in aspects of small business selection, initiation, management and development using the ILO curriculum, Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB).

 The Start & Improve Your Business (SIYB) programme is a management training programme with a focus on starting and improving small businesses as a strategy for creating more and beGer employment in developing economies and economies in transition. The SIYB consists of three training packages, Generate Your Business Idea (GYBI), Start Your Business (SYB) and Improve Your Business (IYB) for both literate and low literate people. The overall SIYB objective is to contribute to economic development and the creation of new and beGer jobs.

 The concept of self-employability/entrepreneurship is key to sustaining the livelihood of the community. A successful business starts with a good business idea. The description of a business idea is therefore the starting point for a good business plan.

 The enterprise development training program facilitates the creation and enhancement of viable small- scale businesses by empowering potential entrepreneurs to undertake the necessary steps to establish their own enterprises. The project aims to identify and train zakat-eligible individuals and persons with disabilities on business plan development, skill enhancement, and business initiation.

This initiative will be carried out in collaboration with a specialized Enterprise Development Trainer, who will design certified enterprise development programs. Once the trainees have solidified their business ideas, they will receive assistance in gathering detailed information and performing calculations to assess the profitability of their new ventures. Proper planning and preparation are crucial to reduce the high failure rate among new businesses.

 After completing the training, the targeted trainees will submit their business plans to the Human Appeal project team. The submiGed plans will be reviewed, and follow-ups will be conducted to monitor progress and provide necessary support.


Specific Objec:ves of Training:

  •   The specific objective of SIYB training is to enable potential entrepreneurs to find out whether they are the right people to start a business and to develop a feasible business idea.
  •  To build the capacity of selected participants in preparing their business plans and life skills to enable them to engage with the market.
  •   To facilitate selected participants in building backward and forward linkages including linkages with microfinance institutes (MFIs)


  • A total of 200 beneficiaries will be selected from targeted districts with their initial business idea; the consultant will Conduct a Training need assessment of the targeted beneficiaries' business ideas.
  • Adapt translate and tailor SYIB training modules and material as per the context and need.
  • Support the targeted beneficiaries in the development of their e-commerce/IT-based business plans (if any).

Approach and Methodology

The Consultant would propose the approach and methodology for the assignment based on the general guidelines provided below;

  •    Review of project documents, IEC Material, Training and livelihood-related activities.
  •    Review of the documents for similar techniques adopted in the Pakistan context.


Deliverables / Output of the consultancy / Assignment.

 the Consultant (s) will perform the following key deliverables:

Sr. #



# of



per session



Duration / Days


Development      of Training Manual on (Enterprise Development Training - EDT)





7 days


Conduct Enterprise development training (SYIB) for 200 selected beneficiaries

Trainings / Group




3 days of sessions with each group


Development & submission of Business Plans of 200 individuals in hard






Plans will be developed at the end of the session.


Submission of Assignment






Within the week aHer the

completion of the assignment /trainings


Development of Post Distribution

Monitoring Tool





Activity report and PDM

tool will be submitted in a week aHer the training.




Approach (Implementa:on):

The Consultant (s) will produce the following key outputs; these outputs can be further adjusted aHer selection of Consultant:

  •      Design training on SYIB modular approach and dynamic teaching methods to develop group members' interest in education and business skills.
  •      To analyze training need, education and understanding level of participants and design training content and methodology accordingly.
  •      Provide training at venue and maintain all records (pre and post evaluation, beneficiary list, etc.). Submit the Training Report


Lines of Communica:on:

The Consultant will coordinate with the Sr. Program manager – livelihoods (Human Appeal).


Skills, Experience and Qualifica:ons:

  •        Postgraduate  level  qualification  in  related  subjects  (Business  administration,  Marketing, economics or related)
  •        At least 7 years' experience in developing and facilitating training on business skills (SIYB), life skills and enterprise development trainings.
  •      Demonstrable experience in facilitating training on business skills.
  •      Preference will be given to the certified trainer on (SYIB & GYBI)
  •      Excellent communication (report writing) and facilitation skills.


Structure of Technical Proposal/Expression of Interest and Submission Guidelines:

Interested Consultant with relevant experience may submit sealed technical and financial proposals according to following details;

  •      Detail training agenda/contents
  •      Methodology for training delivery
  •      The consultant profile clearly states the individual capabilities of undertaking the presented task.
  •      Previous details of various relevant assignments completed.
  •     Consultants must provide evidence of previous work done in similar assignments.
  •      CVs/profile of the Consultant.


Monitoring and Evalua:on:

The activity will be monitored by the Program Head and M&E Coordinator of HA.


Support from HAP:

HAP will provide the following support for the assignment:

  •      Provide all the relevant project documents/ material which will be support for the assignment.
  •      Provide timely feedback on the Overall Implementation plan and training manuals.
  •      Provide Beneficiaries / Trainees for the task/training.
  •      Provide a venue for training sessions with all the required siMng arrangements.
  •      Provide contact details of participant’s.
  •      Provide stationary  for trainees, photocopies of training material/Handouts for trainees as required by the consultant.

Evaluation Criteria:

The proposal will be evaluated on the following grounds:

  •   Techniques, Methodology and process of the Training.
  •    Relevancy / Profile of the Consultant.
  •    Quality of content for the training.
  •    Financial Offer (Which is not the sole criteria).


Guidelines for Proposal:

The Individual consultants are requested to follow the below-mentioned guidelines:

1-    The Technical Proposal should elaborate the Techniques, Methodology, and process adopted to deliver the trainings & visits with the deadline.

2-   What types of Skill Development Sessions/ Contents will be incorporated in Training Modules.

3-   The Proposal should also elaborate the monitoring process, pre/post test mechanism to gauge the

%age of improvement and final certification for each trainee.

4-   The financial Offer should include the rates as per the assignment mentioned in the deliverables


Guidelines for Financial Oer:

The consultants are requested to follow the below-mentioned guidelines to prepare a financial offer for this assignment.


Sr. #



Nos. of


Unit Rate


Total Rate




Development of   Training    Manual on

(Enterprise Development Training - SIYB)








Conduct Enterprise development

training (SYIB) for 200 selected beneficiaries, development and submission of their Business Plans.








Submission of Assignment Report with

Post Distribution monitoring tool.






Total Project Cost in PKR



Please share rats including transportation/loading/accommodation in all districts and all Govt taxes.


Terms & Conditions

  •  No advance payment will be made to the selected vendor/supplier.
  •  Quoted prices for the items shall include all kinds of government taxes as per national law.
    • Payment shall  be made a f t e r   t h e   c o m p l e t i o n   o f   t r a i n i n g   as per t h e  agreed  terms and conditions contained in t h e agreement/or work order.
    • Accommodation/Transportation/Delivery   to    t h e    project   site/training   venue/  points   will   be   the responsibility of the vendor at his own cost.
  • Quoted rates shall remain valid for at least 30 days from the date of opening.

Apply By:

Vendoshoulsend thquotatiobhand/electronically via email[email protected] and riyaz[email protected] b26-12-2024 befor4:00 pm


  •  Our organization is not involved in and does not support any activity considered illegal by the Government of Pakistan or under the International Laws Community or what may be termed a ‘terrorist activity’. I confirm  that the above information  is accurate to  my knowledge.  I have  not withheld information.



Vendor Name                       Position                                   Signature:                           

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