WaterAid Pakistan
Consultant/Lead Trainer for “05 Day Training of Master Facilitators on PYLI, WASH and Climate Change”
Posted date 12th September, 2024 Last date to apply 25th September, 2024
Country Pakistan Locations Lahore
Category Customer Care

Terms of References

Pakistan Youth Leadership Initiative (PYLI)

TITLE: Consultant/Lead Trainer for “05 Day Training of Master Facilitators on PYLI, WASH and Climate Change”


DURATION: 15 Days “The 05-day training is scheduled to take place in 2nd week of October (7th – 11th October 2024)”

Role of Consultant: group of 02 consultants/lead trainers are expected to deliver training on PYLI, Climate Change and WASH as per the already developed module.

*1 group comprising of 2 x trainers will be preferred for the training


WaterAid is an international NGO working in 28 countries including Pakistan. Our vision is of a world where everyone everywhere has access to safe drinking water, improved sanitation, and good hygiene. Our mission is to transform the lives of the poorest and most marginalised people by enhancing access to improved WASH services. We support local organisations and government authorities to design and demonstrate appropriate, climate-resilient, inclusive, and sustainable WASH programmes. WaterAid also seeks to influence policy change to secure and protect the entitlements of marginalised and vulnerable people to safe, accessible, and affordable drinking water and sanitation services.

For more information, please visit www.wateraid.org  


WaterAid Pakistan is launching a youth leadership project called Pakistan Youth Leadership Initiative (PYLI) it is a three-year project led by British Council in partnership with Government of Pakistan’s Prime Minister’s Youth Development Programme, Higher Education Commission (HEC), WaterAid Pakistan, local CSOs and public universities. The project is co-funded by Qatar based Education Above All Foundation’s programme “Reach Out to Asia”.

During the project time frame total of 90,000 youth from universities and communities will be trained in the Global Citizenship Education, leadership, and Climate Action curriculum. These youth will then go out to their communities to carry out Youth Led Climate Actions (YLAs), with focus on following thematic areas;

  • Tree plantation
  • Water conservation
  • Renewable energy
  • Climate education in Schools and colleges
  • Solid waste management

Furthermore, these youth will be further involved in policy dialogue and advocacy, participate in national and international climate events, and showcase their successful projects


Pakistan is the fifth largest young country in the world and has largest generation of young people ever recorded in national history, 27% are aged between 15 and 29. Large disparities exist among the youth demographic, depending on gender, location, and socio-economic background. Pakistan is one of the five most affected countries by climate change in 21st century. The project will play a key role in creating an enabling environment for equitable inclusion of youth at local, national, and international levels of policy and decision making on climate action leading to implementation of climate mitigation and adaptation approaches. Key stakeholders engaged will include CSOs, academia, government, and international platforms advocating for climate action, increased youth inclusion, leadership, and engagement and youth engagement for climate action.


a.     Training Master Facilitators: To equip 11 Master Facilitators with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively train others in PYLI, WASH, and Climate Change.

b.     Enhancing Capacity: To build the capacity of the master facilitators to deliver high-quality, impactful training sessions on the specified topics.

c.     Facilitating Knowledge Transfer: To ensure that the master facilitators can transfer their knowledge and skills effectively.


The training program is set for 11 master facilitators from all around Pakistan, with aim to increase their knowledge so that they are capable of delivering session   transfer knowledge to 110 facilitators from CSOs and universities.  


a.   Preparation:

                         i.Review relevant materials and current training resources related to PYLI, WASH, and Climate Change.

                        ii.Develop a detailed training plan, including objectives, methodologies, and materials.

                      iii. Customize training modules if required as per the context.

b.   Training Delivery:

                        i.      Facilitate a 5-day training program for 11 Master Facilitators on PYLI, WASH, and Climate Change.

                      ii.      Use a variety of training methods, including lectures, interactive sessions, group discussions, role plays, and case studies.

                     iii.      Ensure active participation and engagement of all participants.

                     iv.      Provide practical examples and real-life case studies relevant to the context of WaterAid Pakistan.

                      v.      Pro and Post assessment of participants

c.     Post-Training Support:

                     i.        Develop and provide post-training resources and reference materials.

                    ii.        Offer a follow-up session or support for any questions or challenges faced by the Master Facilitators after the training.

d.   Reporting:

                    i.     Prepare and submit a comprehensive report on the training, including an assessment of participant performance and feedback.

                   ii.     Provide recommendations for future training sessions based on observations and participant feedback.


  1. a.     Training Plan: Detailed plan including objectives, methodologies, and materials.
  2. b.     Training Materials: Custom-developed training materials for PYLI, WASH, and Climate Change.
  3. c.     Training Report: Comprehensive report covering training outcomes, participant feedback, and recommendations.
  4. d.     Post-Training Support: Provision of resources and follow-up support.

7)     DURATION  

The consultancy is expected to last 15 Days, starting from 1st October 2024 to 15th October 2024. Specific milestones and deadlines will be agreed upon at the start of the consultancy.

*The training is scheduled for 2nd Week of October (7th October – 11th October 2024)


a.     Expertise: Proven experience in training and facilitation on PYLI, WASH, and Climate Change.

b.     Experience: At least 5 years of experience as a facilitator or consultant in similar training programs.

c.     Skills: Strong facilitation, communication, and interpersonal skills. Ability to engage and motivate participants.

d.     Knowledge: In-depth understanding of PYLI, WASH, and Climate Change concepts and practices.

e.     Education: Relevant academic qualifications (e.g., degrees or certifications in environmental science, social sciences, or related fields).


Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:


Description of Evaluation Criteria

Total score


Demonstrated experience in delivering training on PYLI, WASH, and Climate Change, with examples of previous successful engagements and feedback from participants



Personnel hold advanced degrees and certifications in relevant fields (e.g., environmental science, social sciences) and possess significant, applicable experience in training and facilitation.



The proposed methodology is innovative, well-structured, and effectively incorporates diverse training techniques (e.g., interactive sessions, role plays) and blended learning strategies.



A comprehensive, realistic work plan that includes clear timelines, milestones, and deliverables, demonstrating how the trainer will achieve the training objectives effectively within the 5-day period.


* Minimum group of 02 trainers are required for the training, the module should be divided as per expertise of relevant trainer.

**70% weightage will be given to technical proposal, while 30% weightage will be given to financial proposal.

***The financial proposal shall only include training fee. WAP will bear boarding and lodging of consultant and trainees and cost of logistics arrangements for the training.

Apply By:

10)  Application Process and Closing date

Please send your technical & financial proposal outlining your approach to developing the curriculum, including a detailed work plan, timeline, and budget by 25 September 2024 COB to [email protected] . Please write the subject “WAP/01625/12-09-24/LeadTrainerMasterFacilitators-PYLI-WASH-ClimateChange” in your proposal

Enquiries may be directed to [email protected]

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